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Staying Hydrated with Parkinson’s


Parkinson’s disease can have a big affect on the daily lives of its sufferers. Parkinson’s is a central nervous system disorder that causes trouble with movement, such as difficulty walking, rigidity and stiffness of the limbs, tremors and shaking, stooped posture, and slowness of movement. In addition to mobility and motor control problems, Parkinson’s sufferers may also experience a range of psychiatric symptoms, such as depression, sleep problems, and dementia.

Medications can help to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s. However, it’s essential for patients and caregivers to carefully manage potential side effects. Some medications commonly used in the treatment of Parkinson’s can increase the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in constipation, worsen tremors, exacerbate problems with balance, and increase confusion and other dementia symptoms. Extreme dehydration may require a trip to the hospital, and can cause severe respiratory and kidney problems. Because many Parkinson’s sufferers experience a loss of appetite and a correspondingly low desire to drink liquids, it’s especially important that caregivers and patients make sure that enough liquid is ingested during the day to prevent dehydration.

The best way to insure that Parkinson’s sufferers stay hydrated is to make liquids available at all times. Good liquids for hydration include water, herbal or decaffeinated tea, juice mixed fifty-fifty with water, and low-fat milk. Watered-down juice is a good idea because its sweet taste makes it more appealing and palatable than plain water; however, it also has less sugar than full-strength juice, which can contain as much sugar as soda. Low-fat milk and buttermilk are less filling than whole milk, and provide hydration as well as protein and calcium, while creating less of a sensation of fullness than regular dairy products. In order to decrease the risk of dehydration, people with Parkinson’s should avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Parkinsons disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Parkinson Home Care New York

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Bone-Strengthening Meals for Parkinson’s


Parkinson’s disease is a central nervous system disorder that affects many older adults. Its symptoms include movement problems, such as shaking, difficulty walking, stiffness of the limbs, and stooped posture. In later stages, Parkinson’s can also have psychiatric and behavioral effects, such as depression, dementia, and sleep disturbances. In addition to these common symptoms, bone thinning occurs in some Parkinson’s patients. This is of particular concern since people suffering from Parkinson’s disease are at increased risk for falls that may result in bone fractures or breakages.

In order to slow the progression of bone thinning, it is very important for people with Parkinson’s to eat a nutritious diet rich in nutrients that support bone health. These include minerals like calcium and magnesium, and other nutrients like vitamins D and K. Calcium can be found in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. Additionally, many of these foods are also fortified with vitamin D. Calcium can also be found in canned, bone-in fish like sardines and salmon; oily fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines are a good source of vitamin D. Dark leafy greens like kale, collard greens, spinach, and broccoli are great sources of both calcium and vitamin K, while tomatoes, potatoes, and raisins supply magnesium.

Nutrients for bone health are easy to incorporate into everyday meals. For breakfast, try yogurt with fresh fruit and raisins, or whole-grain cereal with vitamin D fortified milk. For lunch, a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup and a spinach salad supplies magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K. For dinner, grilled fish with stir-fried broccoli, mustard greens, or kale, with a side of brown rice and a glass of milk provides magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K. There are plenty of ways to get creative with bone-healthy, nutrient rich foods. Dairy products can easily be incorporated into a wide variety of meals by adding milk to a soup or beverage, yogurt to a sauce or salad dressing, and cheese into a sandwich or casserole. Leafy greens can be used in salads, stir-fries, and gratins, and even blended into shakes and smoothies for an added nutritional boost.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Parkinsons disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Parkinson Home Care New York

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Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis


Arthritis is a disease of the joints that often causes pain, inflammation, and loss of range of motion. It affects people of all ages, from all walks of life. Although the symptoms are fairly similar, there are many different kinds of arthritis, each with their own underlying causes. Some types of arthritis are more likely to run in families, whereas others may be linked to physically demanding jobs that involve repetitive motion or heavy lifting. Some types of arthritis are much more common in older adults, while others can affect children and adolescents. An injury or an infection can also be contributing factors in the development of arthritis.

One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In contrast to another very common form of the disease, osteoarthritis, RA is not caused by everyday wear-and-tear, trauma, or a demanding occupation. Instead, RA leads to damage to the joint when the body’s antibodies mistakenly attack the joint capsule membrane, also known as the synovium. This leads to inflammation and the growth of fibrous tissue in the synovium, as well as excess fluid in the joint. These processes lead to the degeneration of cartilage and erosion of the bones in the joint. Although the exact mechanism of RA is not understood, it can be a debilitating disease that causes great damage to the body and severely reduces quality of life.

Treatment options for RA include physical therapy, gentle exercise, the use of special splints and braces, topical pain relief gels and creams, and the application of localized heat and cold. Additionally, there are many over-the-counter and prescription drugs that can help to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and improve range of motion. In severe cases of RA, the use of steroids can help to reduce swelling. Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), in contrast with drugs that simply alleviate symptoms, may actually slow the progression of joint damage in RA, and are especially useful when started soon after diagnosis.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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Arthitis and Occupational Injuries


Arthritis is accompanied by three main symptoms: joint pain, reduced mobility, and swelling of the affected joint. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the dominate types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks healthy cells, leading to joint degeneration. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is caused by general wear-and-tear on the joint. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage – the tough, springy tissue that cushions the bones in a joint – is worn away or compromised. Osteoarthritis is common among older adults since simple aging often causes increased brittleness. Individuals who have a physically demanding occupation, an acute injury, or put repeated stress on a joint can are at a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Physically demanding jobs that require heavy lifting or repetitive motion such as construction workers, dancers, and athletes create extra strain on the joints. Also, retail, hospitality, and healthcare workers who spend much of the day on their feet are at increased risk. Preventive measures for arthritis involve proper stretching before and during activities to ease joints, in addition to taking frequent breaks to rest. Once arthritis has set in, there is no cure for completely getting rid of it, but there are options to ease symptoms. Treatment ranges from lifestyle changes to medications to surgical procedures depending on the severity of the ailment. Regular exercise can strengthen muscles and potentially stimulate cartilage growth. According to the CDC, women can greatly benefit from weight loss to relieve knee osteoarthritis. Diet is essential to health: vitamins C, E, and D are full of antioxidants that can help protect the body. Over-the-counter medications including Tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Other mild forms of osteoarthritis can benefit from massages, acupuncture, physical therapy, ointments, and orthopedic soles. Severe arthritis can be treated with hyaluronic acid injections or joint replacement. Discuss with your physician the best treatment for your condition.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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Cartilage Degeneration and Arthritis Over Time


Arthritis is a common disease from which millions of Americans suffer. The term arthritis is used to define a variety of joint ailments that may have different causes and specific outcomes. Although the origins of arthritic joint disease are diverse, all of them have a few common symptoms: reduced mobility, pain, and swelling of the affected joint.

Arthritis affects people of all ages, from all walks of life. One of the most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is especially prevalent among older adults. While other forms of arthritis can be caused due to an autoimmune disease or infection, osteoarthritis is caused by simple wear-and-tear of the joints. A lifetime can damage the cartilage which forms a protective cushion between bones in joints. As people grow older they are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. Although the progression of arthritis can be hastened by trauma, such as an injury or an infection, it usually results from the normal prolonged activity.

The body is more resilient during youth and tissue has a greater ability to repair itself. As people age, however, the body becomes more susceptible to damage. Such is the case with cartilage: the tough, flexible tissue that protects bones becomes more brittle with age. As cartilage wears down, bones rub against each other within joints causing the characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis. A majority of those over the age of seventy will suffer from osteoarthritis. Physical therapy, including stretching, exercise, and massages are effective in reducing pain and swelling. Topical creams and cold/hot packs can also provide some relief. Additionally, over-the-counter and prescription medications can help to alleviate symptoms.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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