Message from Edison Home Health Care:
Edison Home Health Care is excited to announce the addition of CDPAP as a topic in our HHAExchange chat feature. This is the latest rollout for the chat feature which already includes chatting the payroll and Human Resource Departments which has seen tremendous success. You can now use this chat to ask about…
Human Resources
- Inservice
- Time off requests
- Jury duty
- Immigration
- Work Incidents
- Missing paychecks
- Inaccurate pay
- Late pay
- W4 forms
- W2 forms
- Paystubs
- Schedule change/update for CDPAP cases
- CDPAP patient status update
- Inquiry for CDPAP coordinator
We will be adding more topics coming soon. Please see the guide below.
Click here to download the HHA eXchange App:
If you have any questions about this new feature or need help with the app please call 718-972-2929 ex 700 or email [email protected].