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Knowing When to Get Help


People suffering from Alzheimer’s must contend with difficult challenges, one of which is adapting to major lifestyle changes. The memory loss and confusion that accompany the disease make it difficult to perform daily tasks. The cognitive and emotional changes that occur as Alzheimer’s progresses can be frightening and cause great distress. Losing the ability to communicate can be extremely frustrating. Many of those in its early stages may try to hide or downplay the extent of their symptoms to others. However, acknowledging that there is a problem and taking early action is the best way to prepare for the future.

Memory loss is one of the earliest and most easily recognizable symptoms of Alzheimer’s. While a certain degree of forgetfulness is normal – misplacing your keys, forgetting a friend’s birthday, being unable to recall certain details of a conversation – more pervasive memory loss is an indication that you may need help. Routinely placing objects in inappropriate places such as putting your keys in the microwave or your wallet in the fridge should raise awareness. Other symptoms include getting lost in familiar surroundings or forgetting the names of close friends and family members can be indications of severe memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s. When these types of symptoms occur, your safety and wellbeing can be compromised. Getting lost, using medications improperly, or failing to maintain good eating and sleeping habits are just a few of the high risks that accompany memory loss.

When memory is severely compromised and daily life tasks become too difficult to perform independently, it’s time to get outside assistance. Although it can be difficult to ask for help, it is essential for your life. Attempting to do more than you are capable of can not only put your health and safety in jeopardy, it can also lead to greater confusion, frustration, and depression. Getting support from caregivers and loved ones can help ease the transition our of full independence and insure that your life is as comfortable as possible.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to provide home health care for you or any loved one. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

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