All Posts Tagged: inflammation relief

Cartilage Degeneration and Arthritis Over Time


Arthritis is a common disease from which millions of Americans suffer. The term arthritis is used to define a variety of joint ailments that may have different causes and specific outcomes. Although the origins of arthritic joint disease are diverse, all of them have a few common symptoms: reduced mobility, pain, and swelling of the affected joint.

Arthritis affects people of all ages, from all walks of life. One of the most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is especially prevalent among older adults. While other forms of arthritis can be caused due to an autoimmune disease or infection, osteoarthritis is caused by simple wear-and-tear of the joints. A lifetime can damage the cartilage which forms a protective cushion between bones in joints. As people grow older they are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. Although the progression of arthritis can be hastened by trauma, such as an injury or an infection, it usually results from the normal prolonged activity.

The body is more resilient during youth and tissue has a greater ability to repair itself. As people age, however, the body becomes more susceptible to damage. Such is the case with cartilage: the tough, flexible tissue that protects bones becomes more brittle with age. As cartilage wears down, bones rub against each other within joints causing the characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis. A majority of those over the age of seventy will suffer from osteoarthritis. Physical therapy, including stretching, exercise, and massages are effective in reducing pain and swelling. Topical creams and cold/hot packs can also provide some relief. Additionally, over-the-counter and prescription medications can help to alleviate symptoms.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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Know the Symptoms: Infectious Arthritis


Arthritis is a disease of the joints that affects as many as 50 million Americans each year. Its symptoms include pain, swelling, and compromised mobility in the affected joints, and can range from mild to debilitating. Although it is most common in older adults, people of all ages can develop arthritis. There are many different kinds of arthritis, each with its own causes and symptoms. Those who suffer from arthritis should work with their health care provider to find the most suitable treatments.

The underlying causes of symptoms vary between individuals. If joint symptoms are accompanied by fever, chills, or fatigue, or if severe joint pain appears very suddenly, they could be the result of infectious arthritis. Infectious arthritis occurs when an infectious agent (usually bacteria, but could also be a virus or  fungus) enters a joint through the blood stream. Infectious arthritis is an acute disease, meaning that it progresses rapidly which is quite different from other forms of chronic arthritis that develop slowly over time. It is most common in elderly adults, young children, and people with open wounds, such as those recovering from surgery.

Due to the swiftness of the infectious arthritis, it can quickly become a serious health issue if not treated promptly. Antibiotics are often prescribed in combination with procedures to remove fluid from the affected joint. Early detection is crucial to prevent the spread of infection and preserve the integrity of the joint. If joint pain, swelling, and loss of mobility is sudden and severe with fever like symptoms, contact primary physician immediately.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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Understanding the Types and Symptoms of Arthritis


Arthritis is the name given to a group of chronic disorders whose symptoms include pain, swelling, and limited range of motion in one or more joints. Arthritis can effect anyone but is most common in older adults. Arthritis may result from trauma, aging, infection, an auto-immune disease, genetics, or occupational injuries. Treatment options for arthritis include medication, exercise, physical therapy, and surgery. Understanding the various types of arthritis and the symptoms that accompany them can help you communicate with your health care professional to find the best treatment.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is caused by the wearing away of cartilage around the joint, causing bones in the joint to rub together. Although almost everyone will experience some degree of osteoarthritis after the age of 70, people who work in certain physically demanding jobs or play some sports are more susceptible. Osteoarthritis sufferers often experience stiffness (particularly in the morning) and loss of range of motion in addition to pain that is more severe after physical activity or certain types of movement.

Another  common form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks healthy cells. Symptoms are usually experienced in the same joint on both sides of the body. The joints most often affected by rheumatoid arthritis are the fingers, wrists, knees, ankles, and feet. Pain, swelling, and compromised movement are all common in rheumatoid arthritis, as well as eventual deformity of the affected joints in more severe cases. More women than men have rheumatoid arthritis.

Gout is a kind of arthritis that occurs primarily in the joint at the base of the big toe, although it can also occur in the wrists, fingers, knees, and heel. It is cause by excess uric acid in the blood, which is then deposited in joints and surrounding tissues in the form of uric acid crystals. Gout can have various causes, including genetics and trauma, but is often associated with frequent consumption of alcohol and meat. Gout is more prevalent in men than women.

There are many other forms of arthritis, including autoimmune diseases like ankylosing spondylitis and scleroderma, and those resulting from infection, like gonococcal arthritis. Although different types of arthritis can be differentiated on the basis of their symptoms, medical testing is usually necessary to conclusively determine the underlying cause.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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Prescription Medication for Arthritis


Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects millions of Americans. Characterized by inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues, arthritis symptoms can range from uncomfortable to debilitating. There are several types of arthritis, the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the break down of cartilage surrounding joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks the lining of the joints. Gout, infections, psoriasis, lupus, and other diseases can also lead to forms of arthritis. Arthritis symptoms include: swelling, pain, varying degrees of stiffness, limited range of motion, and skin redness. Treatment is available in the form of prescription medications to relieve symptoms and improve joint performance. Below are the major categories of prescription medications for arthritis:

– Analgesics

– NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

– Narcotic Painkillers

– Corticosteroids – Prednisone

– Hyaluronic Acid Substitutes

– Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)

Analgesics relieve pain, but do not treat inflammation. Acetaminophen is the most commonly used analgesic and can be purchased over-the-counter in the from of Tylenol and Excedrin. Higher dosage acetaminophen in combination with other other drugs such as Oxycodone or Tramadol require a prescription. Brands names for analgesics: Codeine, Ultram, etc.

NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and reduce fever. There are three sub-groups of NSAIDs: traditional NSAIDs (Mobic/meloxicam), COX-2 inhibitors (Celebrex/celecoxib), and salicylates (choline magnesium salicylate). Prescription NSAIDs block COX enzymes that produce prostaglandin, the cause of joint inflammation.

Narcotic Painkillers relieve severe pain and are often combined with acetaminophen or NSAIDs to enhance the drug’s properties. They do not treat inflammation. Brands names for narcotic painkillers: Vicodin, Lorcet, codeine, etc.

Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that can be taken in tablet form to treat rheumatoid arthritis or injected into the joints to relieve osteoarthritis pain. Prednisone the most commonly prescribed corticosteroid, brand names include: Deltasone, Liquid Pred, Meticorten, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid injections are specifically approved for osteoarthritis in the knees. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body as a component of synovial fluid, lubricant that allows joints to easily glide against one another. Replacement of lost hyaluronic acid helps relieve joint pain and stiffness.  Brand names of hyaluronic acid: Euflexxa, Hyalgan, Orthovisc, etc.

Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) act on the immune system to slow the progression and damage of rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate is the most commonly prescribed DMARD and the most effective. Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) is given for milder symptoms.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Arthritis problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Arthritis Home Care New York

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