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All Posts Tagged: communication

Coping with Emotional Aspects of Dementia


Individuals suffering from dementia must cope with many changes at once including declining cognitive abilities, memory loss, and impaired communication skills. Knowing that one may experience these vast changes at an unpredictable rate can provoke anxiety, fear, and feelings of helplessness. In order for patients to maintain a good quality of life, it is essential to address unresolved feelings.

Those with Alzheimer’s face crucial and stressful decisions concerning their care. Considerations such as how to preserve physical health and independence can potentially lead to tension between patients and their caregivers. The course of action taken by family members and physicians may differ from the wishes of the person with dementia. This process can be overwhelming, emotionally draining, and humiliating for the patient. In order to avoid negative emotions and reactions, patients need a coping strategy with different outlets to express emotions.

Discussing feelings with a confidant is one of the best ways to help sort out emotions. Simply sharing worries with a loved one can immediately alleviate a sense of helplessness and provide comfort. Maintaining relationships and having a social life makes patients feel less alone. Being connected to other individuals suffering from the disease allows patients to feel supported and understood. Continuing to take part in enjoyable activities – walking, listening to music, gardening, painting, or other physical or creative interests – can also be tremendously beneficial in reducing stress and coping with burdens. The resonating idea is that dementia patients need to feel that their life has value.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Dementia problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Dementia Home Care New York

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Staying Optimistic After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis


An initial diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be overwhelming for patients. Emotional stress compounded with symptoms of cognitive changes, memory loss, and physical deterioration can lead to sadness and depression. Feelings of helplessness, anger, and fear can be self-reinforcing and greatly diminish an Alzheimer’s patient’s quality of life. Losing interest in activities that used to be meaningful, withdrawing socially, and a general attitude of passivity or “giving up” on life are all potential responses to a diagnosis. Caregivers and family members of patients also experience a tremendous amount of stress. While depression is a common aspect of Alzheimer’s, it is not inevitable. There are steps that can be taken by patients and their caregivers to reduce the melancholy associated with the disease.

Sadness and depression can be debilitating for Alzheimer’s patients. It’s important to address these feelings and be proactive in decreasing them. Focusing on activities that provide enjoyment and a sense of meaning is a great way to stave off depression and improve quality of life. Encouraging individuals with Alzheimer’s to take part in things that bring them joy provides a positive distraction and promotes the retention of cognitive abilities. Although the physical and cognitive deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s can drastically alter a person’s personality and compromise their ability to function independently, it does not eliminate a person’s ability to be happy. A comfortable environment, meaningful activities, healthy diet, regular exercise, and an active social network can help relieve depression and improve patients’ quality of life.

It is common for caregivers and family members to experience an adjustment period after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Reactions can include denial, over-involvement, anger, guilt, and finally acceptance. It is imperative to take the necessary measures to ensure your mental and physical well-being is stable. After all, a caregiver’s emotional health is one of the most influential factors in a patient’s life; if you are optimistic, your loved one will be as well.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Insight on Skilled Home Health Aides


Those who are recovering from surgery, disabled or suffering from dementia will benefit from in home care services. An in-home health aide gives your loved one security and comfort in their own home. Specifically for the elderly, in-home care grants them the ability to live as independently as they can for the longest time possible. There are a variety of care services available offering a range of assistance. For example, a personal care aid can prepare meals while a companion aide organizes recreational activities. Home care aides usually work with individuals who are moderately self-sufficient and not reliant on around-the-clock care as in a hospital. A skilled care worker is for someone who has surpassed the hospital stage but still requires regular medical care.

When your loved one’s needs extend beyond the qualifications of an in-home care service worker, a skilled care professional is needed. A skilled care aide, such as an in-home nurse, fulfills medical needs of elderly who are ill, disabled, or suffering from dementia. The needs of the patient may include administering medications and shots, conducting physical therapy, overseeing rehabilitation after a surgery, accessing health levels and performing emergency care. In-home medical professionals are trained specifically to manage care and observe health to ensure stability. Skilled care workers are informed about medical practices and are able to effectively monitor health conditions.

As you begin your search, have these questions ready to ask the in-home medical professional: What kind of services can they provide? Can they provide references and certifications? What is the cost? Do they accept insurance? Use resources like your local hospitals, community centers, and local online listings to find the best service. An aide can serve as a valuable source of information as you and your loved one face health issues.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to provide home health care for you or any loved one. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Home Health Care New Yrok

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Effective Measures to Facilitate Communication with Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer’s disease brings many challenges for patients and their loved ones. Loss of independence, memory loss, and physiological changes can all be sources of great stress. Among the challenges faced by people living with Alzheimer’s disease, communication difficulties can be among the most frustrating to navigate. When your formerly articulate loved one suddenly has trouble expressing and understanding even the simplest information, it can be hard to know how to proceed. However, there are things that you can do to facilitate communication and make your life, and the life of your loved one, easier.

People with Alzheimer’s often forget familiar words and phrases. They may struggle to express themselves and have difficulty completing sentences. They may also have trouble understanding what is being said to them. This is often extremely frustrating and confusing for Alzheimer’s patients, as they try to communicate their thoughts and feelings in the face of deteriorating language capacities. As verbal abilities decline, people with Alzheimer’s may repeat themselves, yell, babble, or use foul language. It’s important to remain calm in the face of disturbing behaviors, and recognize that communication difficulties are just as frustrating for your loved one as they are for you.

Although it presents many challenges, there are things you can do to make communicating with your loved one easier. When you approach your loved one, make sure to stay engaged and present: maintain eye contact, focus on their face, and avoid multitasking. Keep your hands away from your face to reduce visual distractions and allow them to read your facial expression, and eliminate other distractions in the environment such as background music and the television. It’s important to remember that even though their ability to understand spoken language may have declined dramatically, people with Alzheimer’s can still understand your body language, facial expression, and tone of voice. Stay upbeat, positive and calm. Try to use body language that conveys attention and respect. Avoid infantilizing or talking down to your loved one. If they don’t understand something that you’re saying, try rephrasing it, rather than simply repeating yourself. Keep information simple and use a clear, even tone of voice. By staying calm and keeping your own frustration in check, you’ll be encouraging your loved one to feel safe and secure, and will be helping them to communicate to the best of their ability.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Best Practices to Help Alzheimer’s Patients Communicate


As a caregiver, it is important to understand the communication challenges of those afflicted with Alzheimer’s. Communication skills and short term memory are the first to be affected by the disease. Your loved one may began using the same words or phrases repeatedly even when they do not apply to the conversation. They may also invent new words to represent objects they recognize but are no longer able to recollect the correct term. If the person is multilingual, he or she can revert back to their native language. Forgetting names, losing train of thought, and difficulty expressing ideas in a logical order, and a decline in speaking are all common changes.

Despite these various obstacles, there are many ways you can continue to communicate with someone who has Alzheimer’s and prevent further deterioration of communication skills. Being patient and supportive shows your loved one that you care about their needs. Offering comfort and reassurance encourages them to continue speaking even when they are having trouble expressing themselves. You can also offer a guess if they start to get frustrated by the communication barrier. Avoid negativity such as criticism, corrections, and arguments. Instead, focus on listening to decipher meaning. Understand that actions and emotions speak louder than words. The way they are expressing themselves will give you more insight on how they are feeling than the actual words they are saying.

Love and attention are the best medicines for someone with Alzheimer’s. Regardless of their level of communication, take the time to engage in conversation with them regularly. Speak slowly, repeat information when needed, and maintain eye contact. They will be more likely to remember words if they hear them often.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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