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All Posts Tagged: alzheimers

Non-Medical Approaches for Alzheimer’s


While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are interventions that can ease symptoms and promote quality of life. Symptoms like confusion, hallucinations, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, and sleep disturbances are all common effects of the disease that may respond to medical treatment. However, because medications often have undesirable side-effects, it is advisable to try non-drug interventions as a first step.

There are many things you can do to help your loved one cope with these changes – without the use of medication. Simple environmental considerations can all help to promote calm and reduce distress including: avoiding background noise, lowering television volume, eliminating clutter, limiting visual distractions, maintaining a comfortable temperature, and providing adequate lighting. Behavioral outbursts often have their origin in physical discomfort: many people with Alzheimer’s lose the ability to communicate issues they are encountering. Looking for and addressing the root causes of disturbing behaviors is vital. Pain and other physical discomfort such as hunger or a full bladder can often trigger behavioral symptoms. By closely observing your loved one, responding to their distress, and anticipating their needs, you can help to ease behavioral symptoms without the need for medication.

In addition to a patient’s environment, entertainment and activity can also be used as treatment. Music therapy is a popular route because familiar songs arouse memories. Animals are s great source of enjoyment. Studies have shown that pets reduce depression related to Alzheimer’s. It is important to consider what kind of pet would be the best match for you loved one based on health condition and average activity level. Other useful practices include aromatherapy, craft projects, and participation in religious services.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Knowing When to Get Help


People suffering from Alzheimer’s must contend with difficult challenges, one of which is adapting to major lifestyle changes. The memory loss and confusion that accompany the disease make it difficult to perform daily tasks. The cognitive and emotional changes that occur as Alzheimer’s progresses can be frightening and cause great distress. Losing the ability to communicate can be extremely frustrating. Many of those in its early stages may try to hide or downplay the extent of their symptoms to others. However, acknowledging that there is a problem and taking early action is the best way to prepare for the future.

Memory loss is one of the earliest and most easily recognizable symptoms of Alzheimer’s. While a certain degree of forgetfulness is normal – misplacing your keys, forgetting a friend’s birthday, being unable to recall certain details of a conversation – more pervasive memory loss is an indication that you may need help. Routinely placing objects in inappropriate places such as putting your keys in the microwave or your wallet in the fridge should raise awareness. Other symptoms include getting lost in familiar surroundings or forgetting the names of close friends and family members can be indications of severe memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s. When these types of symptoms occur, your safety and wellbeing can be compromised. Getting lost, using medications improperly, or failing to maintain good eating and sleeping habits are just a few of the high risks that accompany memory loss.

When memory is severely compromised and daily life tasks become too difficult to perform independently, it’s time to get outside assistance. Although it can be difficult to ask for help, it is essential for your life. Attempting to do more than you are capable of can not only put your health and safety in jeopardy, it can also lead to greater confusion, frustration, and depression. Getting support from caregivers and loved ones can help ease the transition our of full independence and insure that your life is as comfortable as possible.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to provide home health care for you or any loved one. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Home Health Care New Yrok

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Self-Care as an Alzheimer’s Patient

Remember reminder

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is life-changing in many ways. Patients will endure memory loss, changes in the ability to communicate, difficulties processing language, emotional and psychological challenges, and physical symptoms. Individuals with Alzheimer’s must adapt to increased difficulty completing everyday tasks and an increase in dependency. Feelings of anger, fear, and helplessness are normal when facing the prospect of a radical shift in your day-to-day experience of the world. With this in mind, it’s essential to be proactive in adapting yourself to the changes you’re experiencing. By preparing yourself for the effects of Alzheimer’s and making a plan for coping with them, you can take charge of your care.

An essential component of dealing with the challenges presented by Alzheimer’s is accepting the changes that will occur. Daily tasks will become harder, and many things that were once second-nature will become difficult and frustrating. Instead of denying your struggles, accept the change in your abilities. Your acknowledgment of change will help you to adapt, create strategies to maintain your independence, and improve the quality of your life. It is not easy to accept that your memory is declining, however, doing so can help you to discover coping techniques that will make life easier.

Memory loss is among the most stressful aspects of Alzheimer’s. Coming up with strategies to help you compensate for difficulty remembering things can be helpful. Using notes to remind yourself of important information, maintaining a predictable daily routine, and arranging objects so that you can remember their location are all ways of staying organized. It’s also important to surround yourself with people you can trust. Although it can be difficult to ask for help, reaching out to close friends and family members is essential for your safety and well-being. When certain tasks become too difficult or if you have trouble remembering crucial information, allowing someone to assist you can dramatically reduce stress and increase your peace of mind.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Coping with Emotional Aspects of Dementia


Individuals suffering from dementia must cope with many changes at once including declining cognitive abilities, memory loss, and impaired communication skills. Knowing that one may experience these vast changes at an unpredictable rate can provoke anxiety, fear, and feelings of helplessness. In order for patients to maintain a good quality of life, it is essential to address unresolved feelings.

Those with Alzheimer’s face crucial and stressful decisions concerning their care. Considerations such as how to preserve physical health and independence can potentially lead to tension between patients and their caregivers. The course of action taken by family members and physicians may differ from the wishes of the person with dementia. This process can be overwhelming, emotionally draining, and humiliating for the patient. In order to avoid negative emotions and reactions, patients need a coping strategy with different outlets to express emotions.

Discussing feelings with a confidant is one of the best ways to help sort out emotions. Simply sharing worries with a loved one can immediately alleviate a sense of helplessness and provide comfort. Maintaining relationships and having a social life makes patients feel less alone. Being connected to other individuals suffering from the disease allows patients to feel supported and understood. Continuing to take part in enjoyable activities – walking, listening to music, gardening, painting, or other physical or creative interests – can also be tremendously beneficial in reducing stress and coping with burdens. The resonating idea is that dementia patients need to feel that their life has value.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Dementia problems. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Dementia Home Care New York

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Staying Optimistic After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis


An initial diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be overwhelming for patients. Emotional stress compounded with symptoms of cognitive changes, memory loss, and physical deterioration can lead to sadness and depression. Feelings of helplessness, anger, and fear can be self-reinforcing and greatly diminish an Alzheimer’s patient’s quality of life. Losing interest in activities that used to be meaningful, withdrawing socially, and a general attitude of passivity or “giving up” on life are all potential responses to a diagnosis. Caregivers and family members of patients also experience a tremendous amount of stress. While depression is a common aspect of Alzheimer’s, it is not inevitable. There are steps that can be taken by patients and their caregivers to reduce the melancholy associated with the disease.

Sadness and depression can be debilitating for Alzheimer’s patients. It’s important to address these feelings and be proactive in decreasing them. Focusing on activities that provide enjoyment and a sense of meaning is a great way to stave off depression and improve quality of life. Encouraging individuals with Alzheimer’s to take part in things that bring them joy provides a positive distraction and promotes the retention of cognitive abilities. Although the physical and cognitive deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s can drastically alter a person’s personality and compromise their ability to function independently, it does not eliminate a person’s ability to be happy. A comfortable environment, meaningful activities, healthy diet, regular exercise, and an active social network can help relieve depression and improve patients’ quality of life.

It is common for caregivers and family members to experience an adjustment period after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Reactions can include denial, over-involvement, anger, guilt, and finally acceptance. It is imperative to take the necessary measures to ensure your mental and physical well-being is stable. After all, a caregiver’s emotional health is one of the most influential factors in a patient’s life; if you are optimistic, your loved one will be as well.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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