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Mitigating the Effects of Alzheimer’s Through Drug and Non-Drug Approaches

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There is currently no known treatment, medial or non-medical, that can reverse or cure Alzheimer’s. However, a combination of medications and non-drug approaches can aid in managing symptoms of the disease. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs to treat Alzheimer’s symptoms, cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine. Although more research needs to be conducted to better understand how the drugs work, they are known for the following attributes: influencing brain chemical messaging systems, being effective on specific Alzheimer’s stages, and being ineffective for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Cholinesterase inhibitors are utilized in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. They are understood to help prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine – a chemical important for brain functions such as thought, memory, and alertness. The most commonly prescribed cholinesterase inhibitors are Donepezil (Aricept), Galantamine (Razadyne), and Rivastigmine (Exelon). Memantine is prescribed in later stages to help regulate a brain chemical called glutamate, which effects memory and learning. Both drugs can be beneficial in managing symptoms, but they do carry potential risks and side effects. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, confusion, and irritability. Also, these drugs will lose their effectiveness overtime as the disease progresses due to brain cell damage. It is important to have a knowledgeable healthcare provider to prescribe the most effective medications at the proper stages.

In addition to medication, there are several behavioral and environmental practices that can be very helpful for people with Alzheimer’s. Maintaining a consistent routine, a healthy diet, regular exercise, an active social life, and adjusting communication styles are all ways in which you can increase your loved one’s quality of life. A comfortable physical environment free of clutter, loud noises, and visual distractions such as mirrors and televisions will also aid in reducing external confusion. As a caregiver of an Alzheimer’s patient, it’s essential to remain flexible, open-minded, and empathetic as you adjust to the changes and challenges the disease brings.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Medical Treatment for Alzheimer’s

medicationThe effects of Alzheimer’s disease bring about radical life changes for patients and their families. Learning to live with the memory loss, confusion, behavioral changes, and emotional disturbances is a difficult process that requires major adjustments. Despite the widespread of the disease, a cure has not been identified. There is, however, a number of treatment options that can help lessen Alzheimer’s symptoms and improve the quality of life for people suffering from the disease.

            Many Alzheimer’s patients receive great benefits from non-drug interventions. Simple changes to the living environment such as reducing clutter, limiting background noise and insuring comfortable temperatures can be very helpful. Unfortunately, not all Alzheimer’s symptoms will respond to these types of interventions. Particularly in the later stages of the disease, certain medications can be taken to manage the effects of the disease.

Among the medications approved by the FDA for Alzheimer’s treatment, a class of drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors are typically advised in the early stages of the disease. These drugs work to slow the progression of symptoms and help to alleviate behavioral issues. For patients in the later stages, drugs like Namenda® (memantine) may aid in retaining independence by allowing them to maintain functionality in certain aspects of daily life. Although some drugs may be helpful in lessening Alzheimer’s symptoms, it’s important to approach these treatments with caution. Medications provide benefits, but also come with potential for side effects. It’s essential to thoroughly discuss any interventions you are considering with a medical professional to determine appropriate dosage and review likely side effects.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Non-Medical Approaches for Alzheimer’s


While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are interventions that can ease symptoms and promote quality of life. Symptoms like confusion, hallucinations, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, and sleep disturbances are all common effects of the disease that may respond to medical treatment. However, because medications often have undesirable side-effects, it is advisable to try non-drug interventions as a first step.

There are many things you can do to help your loved one cope with these changes – without the use of medication. Simple environmental considerations can all help to promote calm and reduce distress including: avoiding background noise, lowering television volume, eliminating clutter, limiting visual distractions, maintaining a comfortable temperature, and providing adequate lighting. Behavioral outbursts often have their origin in physical discomfort: many people with Alzheimer’s lose the ability to communicate issues they are encountering. Looking for and addressing the root causes of disturbing behaviors is vital. Pain and other physical discomfort such as hunger or a full bladder can often trigger behavioral symptoms. By closely observing your loved one, responding to their distress, and anticipating their needs, you can help to ease behavioral symptoms without the need for medication.

In addition to a patient’s environment, entertainment and activity can also be used as treatment. Music therapy is a popular route because familiar songs arouse memories. Animals are s great source of enjoyment. Studies have shown that pets reduce depression related to Alzheimer’s. It is important to consider what kind of pet would be the best match for you loved one based on health condition and average activity level. Other useful practices include aromatherapy, craft projects, and participation in religious services.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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Knowing When to Get Help


People suffering from Alzheimer’s must contend with difficult challenges, one of which is adapting to major lifestyle changes. The memory loss and confusion that accompany the disease make it difficult to perform daily tasks. The cognitive and emotional changes that occur as Alzheimer’s progresses can be frightening and cause great distress. Losing the ability to communicate can be extremely frustrating. Many of those in its early stages may try to hide or downplay the extent of their symptoms to others. However, acknowledging that there is a problem and taking early action is the best way to prepare for the future.

Memory loss is one of the earliest and most easily recognizable symptoms of Alzheimer’s. While a certain degree of forgetfulness is normal – misplacing your keys, forgetting a friend’s birthday, being unable to recall certain details of a conversation – more pervasive memory loss is an indication that you may need help. Routinely placing objects in inappropriate places such as putting your keys in the microwave or your wallet in the fridge should raise awareness. Other symptoms include getting lost in familiar surroundings or forgetting the names of close friends and family members can be indications of severe memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s. When these types of symptoms occur, your safety and wellbeing can be compromised. Getting lost, using medications improperly, or failing to maintain good eating and sleeping habits are just a few of the high risks that accompany memory loss.

When memory is severely compromised and daily life tasks become too difficult to perform independently, it’s time to get outside assistance. Although it can be difficult to ask for help, it is essential for your life. Attempting to do more than you are capable of can not only put your health and safety in jeopardy, it can also lead to greater confusion, frustration, and depression. Getting support from caregivers and loved ones can help ease the transition our of full independence and insure that your life is as comfortable as possible.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to provide home health care for you or any loved one. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

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Understanding Your Limitations with Alzheimer’s


It can be tremendously difficult for people with Alzheimer’s to accept the symptoms of the disease, such as memory loss, and the accompanying loss of independence and changes in daily life. Many people try to disguise their symptoms out of embarrassment, a desire to maintain their independence, or to keep their families from worrying. However, ignoring or trying to hide memory loss is often counterproductive: it can actually hinder the ability to manage symptoms and jeopardize a person’s wellbeing. Accepting memory loss and figuring out coping strategies is an important part of self-care for people suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Even though someone with Alzheimer’s disease may believe themselves fully capable of performing certain tasks, especially in the early stages, it’s important for them not to over-exert themselves or overestimate their abilities. Continuing to take part in activities they enjoy, as well as to participate in daily life in a way that fosters a sense of meaning, purpose, and independence, is very important. However, taking on tasks that are too difficult can lead to frustration and anxiety. Someone with Alzheimer’s can help themselves by being aware of their own limitations and asking for help from others when necessary. Making a plan, following a routine, breaking up tasks into smaller steps, and allowing plenty of time to get something done are all ways in which Alzheimer’s patients can make their lives more manageable and decrease their stress.

There are many changes that come about as a result of Alzheimer’s disease. Memory loss, difficulty processing language, communication challenges, and emotional changes are just a few. A big change in lifestyle and the capacity to perform everyday tasks goes hand-in-hand with the primary effects of the disease on a patient’s mind and body. Although these changes can be stressful and frightening, it’s essential for people suffering from Alzheimer’s to find ways to adapt to the inevitable challenges that accompany the disease.

Edison Home Health Care is happy to advise and assist you or any loved one who seek appropriate care of Alzheimer’s disease. Give us a call at 888-311-1142, or fill out a contact form and we will respond shortly.

Alzheimer Home Care New York

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